svtmp - template functions for SystemVerilog

svtmp is a package with small templating functions for SystemVerilog. It takes care of indentation, header insertion in files, conversion from integer to SV hex/bin, and most tiresome stuff when automatically generating SystemVerilog code.

svtmp is not meant to be a complete SV-generation solution: it just implements most common snippets necessary for common RTL automated blocks: address decoders, register maps, module ports, and all the necessary small snippets to do so (always_ff/comb, case, if/else, etc).


  • Python version required: 3.7+

  • If documentation is to be generated sphinx and sphinx_rtd_theme packages are required:

pip install sphinx sphinx_rtd_theme


Simply type:

pip install svtmp


Documentation can be found @ readthedocs


Flip Flop

This code snippet

from svtmp import *   # import the svtmp
t = SVTxt()           # create a SystemVerilog text instance
# I/Os for the SV module
ios = [Input(s) for s in 'clk_i','reset_n_i','di'] + [Output('do')]

t.add(always_ff(eq('do',ui2b(0,1)), eq('do','di'))) #add always_ff block

t.to_module('dff', ios = ios) #wrap SV into a module

t.to_sv_file('dff', desc = 'Flip Flop implementation') # write to file

produces a SystemVerilog file with the following contents:

 |  Title   : dff
 |  Project : svtmp
 |  Automatically generated with svtmp python library
 |  Description:
 |  Flip Flop implementation
 | File     :
 | Language : SystemVerilog
 | Created  : 2022-10-23
 |  Copyright (c) Infineon Technologies AG 2022 -  Confidential

module dff
  ( input logic clk_i,
    input logic reset_n_i,
    input logic di,
    output logic do

   always_ff @(posedge clk_i,negedge reset_n_i)
      if (!reset_n_i)
         do <= 1'b0;
         do <= di;


Registered thermometer encoder

The following code

from svtmp import * # import all templates from svtmp
IW = 4       # selection input sel_i width
OW = 2**IW   # thermometer output th_o width

t = SVTxt() #SV text instance

#I/Os of the module
ios = inputs(['clk_i','reset_n_i']) + [invec('sel_i',IW-1,0), outvec('th_o',OW-1,0)]

# thermometer output case items
items = [citem(ui2h(i, IW), eq('th_o', ui2b((2**(i+1))-1, OW))) for i in range(OW)]

# always_ff block containing the case for thermometer encoding
t.add(always_ff(eq('th_o', ui2h(0, OW)), case('sel_i', items)))

t.to_module('th_enc', ios = ios) # wrap the SVTxt contents into a module

t.to_sv_file('th_enc', desc = 'thermometer encoder', prj = 'svtmp') #write to file

results in a SystemVerilog file with these contents:

 |  Title   : th_enc
 |  Project : svtmp
 |  Automatically generated with svtmp python library
 |  Description:
 |  thermometer encoder
 | File     :
 | Language : SystemVerilog
 | Created  : 2022-10-23
 |  Copyright (c) Infineon Technologies AG 2022 -  Confidential

module th_enc
  ( input logic clk_i,
    input logic reset_n_i,
    input logic [3:0] sel_i,
    output logic [15:0] th_o

   always_ff @(posedge clk_i,negedge reset_n_i)
      if (!reset_n_i)
         th_o <= 16'h0000;
            4'h0:    th_o <= 16'b0000000000000001;
            4'h1:    th_o <= 16'b0000000000000011;
            4'h2:    th_o <= 16'b0000000000000111;
            4'h3:    th_o <= 16'b0000000000001111;
            4'h4:    th_o <= 16'b0000000000011111;
            4'h5:    th_o <= 16'b0000000000111111;
            4'h6:    th_o <= 16'b0000000001111111;
            4'h7:    th_o <= 16'b0000000011111111;
            4'h8:    th_o <= 16'b0000000111111111;
            4'h9:    th_o <= 16'b0000001111111111;
            4'ha:    th_o <= 16'b0000011111111111;
            4'hb:    th_o <= 16'b0000111111111111;
            4'hc:    th_o <= 16'b0001111111111111;
            4'hd:    th_o <= 16'b0011111111111111;
            4'he:    th_o <= 16'b0111111111111111;
            4'hf:    th_o <= 16'b1111111111111111;




  1. clone this repository (or download a zip and unzip it somewhere)

git clone
  1. inside the cloned folder, make a editable installation

pip install -e .
  1. To run tests (pytest needs to be installed):

cd test; pytest -vvv

Documentation Generation

To generate the documentation (assuming the clone repository lives @ $SVTMP_DIR:

cd $SVTMP_DIR/docs
make html

the documentation can be then accessed @ $SVTMP_DIR/docs/_build/html/index.htm

Package Documentation

Indices and tables